Tuesday, June 22, 2010

is it or is it not?

I was wondering what is still going on between us. Is it or isnt? I am totally confused. Why does all these things happen without a cause? Am I not to know or its just something out of the blue? I keep wondering. In fact if it isnt then I'll go on and I wanna know now so that I know its either a waste of time or not.. Confused eh?? Heheheh well my life is NEVER ever simple. Far from that. Haigh got presentation tomorrow and I am so not memorizing anything. I hope I dont freeze up because I had decided to do it impromptu style. Too much on my mind and I like to just make up stuff along the way which sounds logical. Hehehe. Thats what I'll do. Hope it wont screw up my marks and I bet the teacher just wanna hear our pronuncation and our oral skills. I think time is not an important issue. I seriously dont give a damn now about hubungan etnik. Its like those fucking subjects which doest need use right after the exam. Like moral... I have forgotten all of those stupid nilai's that I had to memorize to get it through. So hard doing so and the end result is a stupid B. Disappointed wei... I found a new boy band which their beats rock V Factory!!! Its like NTL. Surprisingly they're so much alike. Wannabeees!! Status now currently : Tired, Finished Acc project, Studied HE i think... and erm updating my dusty blog. Loving yall in ssc. miss you guys always....

...a new chapter but the same book and author

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