Saturday, October 24, 2009

updates people and on coming events....

OK as all of you guys know SPM is really really near and now I'm having my second SPM trail. It's about half way here still got maths, biology,physics,EST and moral. Taking a break now. Anyways graduation is coming up right after trails on November 6th, Friday and also a match with Sri Aman in the game of football on the 5th of November which is on Thursday. Not sure yet who's playing but I'm so in. The school seems emptier than usual because most of the form 3's are MIA. Yes and Prom is on the 26 or 27 of December I think according to my friend. Plans after SPM are loading as I come near to it and I may be missing for awhile doing so. Felt more relax in this exam compared to the first trail. And I hope that SPM will be easier and pray hard that there are more not so bright people in my year so that the graph will drop and make me look smarter...lolz.

...keeping up with life

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